The battles with the two teams are even more repetitive than the ones with your rival. Courtney/Shelly (Seafloor Cavern): Classic, you should be able to take out the Mightyena, but stay away from the Camerupt.You want them down before they can wreck your team, so don't be overconfident and let something bulkier handle the fight. Because it's a double battle, they're well prepared for bugs. Gym #7 - Tate and Liza (Mossdeep City, Psychic-type): It would be a good matchup for you using Silver Wind, but the problem is that Solrock has Flamethrower.Matt, instead, has two Water types and they won't enjoy your Grass moves.

Tabitha/Matt (Lilycove Hideout): You can only take on the Mightyenas, if you're not busy, for obvious reasons.Do exactly the same thing you did the last time. Rival (Lilycove City): The rival battles are just repetitive.Step 1: Get a water type that learns Ice beam. Gym #6 - Winona (Fortree City, Flying-type): Remember what I said about the gyms? Yeah.Avoid the Fire-types, you can beat the rest. Rival (Route 119): The deal's exactly the same.Courtney/Shelly (Weather Institute): Avoid Numel, Mightyena can be dealt with, if you really have nothing else to do.Perhaps you could battle him with your Beautifly, but let's face it, you should have better ideas, as you want Norman dealt with quickly. Gym #5 - Norman (Petalburg City, Normal-type): Norman is known for being dangerous.Gym #4 - Flannery (Lavaridge City, Fire-type): Unfortunately, Beautifly has problems with several gyms.If you're fighting Team Aqua, avoid Golbats, then have fun with those sad things weak to Grass. Chimney): If you're fighting Team Magma, Poochyenas and Mightyenas can potentially be taken (if you're patient), the rest should be left to your other teammates. Chimney): The Numel may be best avoided since they're Fire-types, obviously, but Poochyena is a joke, and Carvanha isn't difficult either. Gym #3 - Wattson (Mauville City, Electric-type): No.Wally (Mauville City): How cute, a Ralts.Combusken's Flying weakness might seem tempting, but it is faster than you and has a STAB on your weakness. Rival (Route 110): Everything with a Grass-type? Gust.Gym #2 - Brawly (Dewford Town, Fighting-type): Gust, double resistance to Fighting.Gym #1 - Roxanne (Rustboro City, Rock-type): There's no reason for postponing the evolution, so you have a double weakness to Rock.Sadly, many gyms have ways to counter your bug of death, so it won't show as much of its potential as it could. "It stabs prey with its long, narrow mouth to drain the prey's fluids." Pure fun. You expected a pretty exhibit? Ask the Pokédex. It learns Grass moves, as opposed to its defensive counterpart, and well, we're in Hoenn. You don't need much effort to make it into a decent special or mixed attacker, making use of both its two physical STABs and the higher Special Attack stat. But how does it look like in practice? Beautifly might not be among the strongest Pokémon available, but it's still good and fares very well in a team that can cover its weaknesses. If you look at the most basic info, what can you see? A regional early game bug, with usual for that category mediocre stats and as many weaknesses given by the Bug/Flying typing. Wurmple can be found on Routes 101, 102, 104, and in the Petalburg Woods, while Silcoon only in Petalburg Woods.